Intimate wedding under the stars - Luca and MarciVirág MészárosJul 26, 2022Luca and Marci's intimate, family wedding in the Liget, Káptalantóti under the open sky. Dress: Sarman NoraDekor and hairband: Völgy Event DecorVenue: Istvándy Liget, KáptalantótiCake: Egy csipet tortaMakeup: Varga Virág
Luca and Marci's intimate, family wedding in the Liget, Káptalantóti under the open sky. Dress: Sarman NoraDekor and hairband: Völgy Event DecorVenue: Istvándy Liget, KáptalantótiCake: Egy csipet tortaMakeup: Varga Virág